Simple tips to start playing your favourite sport in college

The level of competition in various college athletic divisions is a giant step up from high school athletics.

And regardless of the division, if you play a sport in college, it’s a full-time commitment. You’ll train 12 months a year, and you’ll be devoted to your chosen sport until the time you graduate.

If that sounds like you and that’s what you’re aspiring for, you should definitely go for it. In this post, we’re going to describe the different ways you can play a sport, such as tennis, football, hockey, etc, while you’re in college.

Wait to be recruited
If you’re a top athlete that has participated in multiple games and won an impressive number of trophies for your team, there’s a good chance you’ll be recruited to play your sport in college by a college scout.

In fact, you may start getting approached by college scouts as early as 10th grade. If professional football is concerned, coaches might start to scout out students, who can make a valuable addition to their college teams, even as early as eighth grade!

Note! To get recruited for your sport, you not only have to be an extremely talented athlete with an impressive achievement list, but also remain good in the academic standing.

This means that in case of your underperforming your athletic career will be endangered, which is the last thing you want.

Generally, the recipe for good grades is simple: attend all classes, study hard, and do your homework. And if you have any problems, ask specialists from to help you.

Get a hold of college coaches
One of the best things about the BUCS rules is that they don’t forbid students to contact the coaches directly.

So, it would be wise to maximize your chances of getting on your target team by aggressively contacting coaches at desired schools as early as possible in your high-school career.

Contact the coaches at your target schools and make sure they know who you are. Let them know why you want to play specifically in their educational institution, mention your achievements, and ask them to follow up on your inquiry if possible.

Be sure to send them your athletic resume with the schedule of your games so that your potential recruiters can come and see you in action.

Fill out a recruiting form
Many college websites also have a dedicated recruiting form for students who are interested in playing at their college.

So, make sure to avail yourself of this form if you haven’t been contacted directly. You’ll want to check the colleges you’ve set your sight on and see if the athletic department has already posted this form.

Contact a head coach
So, what if you submit the form and still don’t receive any offers to play in your dream college team? Well, during the summer before you arrive on campus, you should try to contact the head coach of the team you want to join.

It would be a great idea to send them a personal email where you’ll outline the purpose of your application and, of course, provide your resume documenting your athletic ability and achievements, and ask if it’s possible to try out for their team.

Join club sports
Unfortunately, there might be the chance that you won’t make the team even if you try out. Well, the good news is that there are other ways that you can still play the sport you’re so passionate about.

For example, you can join a club sport. Club sports are sports that don’t have varsity status on campus. Nevertheless, such sports are still funded by contributions from players or alumni. Rugby, fencing, wrestling, and archery are common club sports at many schools.

Join Intramural Sports league
Many colleges also offer an Intramural Sports League, which is normally made up of randomly selected teams representing dorms or other clubs on campus.

These leagues can be more or less competitive depending on the college and the sport but will almost always welcome recreational players who are passionate about the sport and eager for a little athletic competition.

So, if you’ve resolved not to give up your favourite sport and commit yourself to playing it in college, there’s a wide array of options out there.

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