How to combine academic and sports excellence as a student in Georgia

Georgia is a beautiful American state rich with culture and boasting an illustrious history of sports genius. The prestigious likes of Dwight Howard, Walt Frazier, Calvin Johnson are among the many outstanding athletes Georgia is proud to call its own.

There are also the emerging elites of soccer players like Brandon Clagette and Will Reilly, who are highly rated on and are gunning for global stardom as athletes.

But here is where it gets even more interesting. As a Georgian student, you don’t have to sacrifice your athletic passions or fitness goals for your academic goals.

They are not mutually exclusive: academic excellence can yet go with fitness (and athletic) excellence.

We have been sold the wrong story…
It is generally conceived that the geeky, introverted student who reads even in the restroom is the student that thrives better academically.

The abs and six packs are seen as unfitting for scholars and good grades. Therefore the fit and well-toned student is presumed to be performing poorly in his academics.

This sold-out propaganda is very wrong as being fit and well-built muscularly doesn’t in any way connote you are a less serious student.

In fact, statistics clearly point out that the student who manages to find the delicate balance between his academic and sporting life enjoys the best psychological health, which often translates into improved academic performance.

So the question is, in the burdening midst of all that study work and mountains of assignments, how are you going to maintain your fitness?

Build a habit of walking
Technology has made it such that we even lazily want to drive from even the sitting room to the bathroom. We are so reluctant to walk today. The student who is in his youth ridiculously wants a “mechanized” life, driving all through the place.

However, a well-structured walking plan, as simple as it sounds is immensely beneficial to your fitness and overall health.

As one of the greatest minds to grace the human civilization, Hippocrates put it some 2,000 years ago: Walking is a man’s best medicine.

While largely hypothetical at that time when that age lacked technology, modern scientific findings have proven the curative potency of walking.

From relieving you of mental stress to slashing down your propensity to cardiac diseases, walking could be your best friend even as a student in Georgia.

Resist the temptation to easily jump on that car and be royally accelerated to your destination. Lace up your shoes and take a walk.

Are you going to your class? Walk. Are you going to a party? Walk! This would vigorously boost your health, physique and overall fitness.

Do you know that fitness experts suggest that as a student, you should go for no less than 12,000 steps daily to manage your weight?

No one is saying you should trek from New York to Tokyo, but a little walk once in a while hurts nobody.

Get a friend who is a fitness enthusiast
It is popularly said that it takes two to tangle. That clearly paints out the picture that success is a collaborative venture.

There is more productivity in togetherness, of course. Social support would prove largely helpful in helping you reach your fitness goals as a student.

Get a buddy who is also a fitness enthusiast while still keeping out a keen eye on his grades and academic success.

Working out with your buddy gives you the added mental boost to religiously keep to your fitness schedule while not sacrificing your academics.

With an external force (in the form of your work buddy) pulling you to keep to the schedule, you would be in a better position to maintain the balance between great academic success and enviable fitness.

Given that you are also keen on your grades, it would be spectacular if your fitness buddy yet shares your academic objectives.

You could extend such friendship from the gym to the library and to the classroom. This further consolidates the camaraderie between you two as there is more that links both of you together.

Lastly, you can join a club
A gym would not always work out for everyone especially you the student in college. There are equally other great options to keep fit without the grueling workouts at the gyms.

From activities as enjoyable and productive as joining a martial art club to even dance and yoga groups, you can properly integrate fitness into your extracurricular activities.

Nevertheless, it is not always easy keeping such a functional fitness schedule in college, especially in the face of the voluminous amount of assignments you have to take care of.

As always, effective time planning is key to simultaneously enjoying success in your sporting and academic life as a student in Georgia.

Clearly define your schedule, set your priorities right, and painstakingly stick to them. Actually, no one has enough time unless you create such time by being deliberate about what you say “yes” and “no” to.

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